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Jeanette Clancy

Discover JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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As the days get shorter and the colder air moves in, the risk of colds and flu starts to increase.  As we find ourselves out in public areas, we start hearing that distinctive cough everywhere we go. For ourselves and our children, that tightness in the chest, that tickle in the back of the throat, the discomfort in the lungs, and the fatigue from lack of sleep can start to take its toll, affecting our work, our attitudes, and our general sense of well-being.  Should that happen, try adding Jordan Essentials Eucalyptus Essential Oil to your routine!

JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil is available in a pure essential oil dropper and is a core ingredient in several essential oil blends including Resistance Essential Oil Blend, Immune Essential Oil, Blend, Lemongrass & Eucalyptus Essential Oil Spray, and the Lavender & Eucalyptus Collection.

Eucalyptus is a fast-growing evergreen tree native to Australia and there are about 400 different species of eucalyptus that have been classified.  Jordan Essentials offers pure, steam distilled essential oils from the leaves of the Eucalyptus globulus tree, also known as Blue Gum.

Eucalyptus leaves have been used for centuries for various health and skin benefits.  The leaves of the eucalyptus tree contain flavanoids which are plant-based antioxidants, and tannins which may help reduce inflammation.  During World War I, Eucalyptus was widely used to control infections and influenza.

Inhaling the vapor from eucalyptus has been a popular remedy for colds and chest congestion for several hundred years.  Modern commercial vapor rubs, cough lozenges, and medications often contain eucalyptus in their ingredients. Eucalyptus Essential Oil can be combined with other JE products to create your own chest rubs, or add it to Magnesium Dead Sea Salt Soak in the shower or bath to help open the airways.

Eucalyptus has been found to be antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antioxidant.  Recent studies show positive results with pain relief, stimulating the immune system, fungal infections, colds, and respiratory problems.  Eucalyptus is also an effective insect repellent.

Safety and Precautions

According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), Eucalyptus Essential Oil can generally be safely used on skin when it is diluted with a carrier such as an oil or a Jordan Essential Lotion. JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil can also be diffused.  Eucalyptus can produce irritation for sensitive skin, so test a small area before applying liberally and never use too close to the eyes. It is also generally recommended to avoid using Eucalyptus on or around cats.

How to Use:

Diffuse:  Add 2-3 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil to a diffuser and breathe the aroma.  Diffuse for 30-40 minute intervals.

Topically:  Combine 1-2 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil to about a dime-quarter size amount of Unscented Shea Body Butter, Skin Relief Lotion, or Unscented Magnesium Lotion.  Apply to the chest, along the spine, and to the bottoms of the feet.

Shower:  Combine 1-2 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil with 1-2 tablespoons of Magnesium Dead Sea Salt Soak.  Mix well to incorporate oils into the salts and add to the floor of the shower. Use a washcloth or hand towel on the shower drain.  Breathe in the vapor while you shower.

Spray:  Combine 10-20 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil with Unscented Body Spray.  Use to spritz chest, rooms, pillows, or bedding. May also be used on areas of the home or garden you wish to deter cats or pests.

What are your favorite uses for JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil?  Comment below with your testimonials.

Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything.  For informational and educational purposes only. Eucalyptus is not recommended for children under 3.  Consult a healthcare professional if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications. Not endorsed by the FDA.

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