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Jeanette Clancy

Ageless Skincare

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One question we at Jordan Essentials are often asked, is at what age is skincare important?  We think this is a great question and one that is worth addressing in some detail. All too often, we wait until our skin is screaming at us for attention and care before developing good skin care habits that cleanse, nourish, and protect our skin from all the stress and environmental factors we subject our skin to each day.  We wait until we have blemishes, inflammation, wrinkles, sags, puffiness, discoloration, chapped skin, or any of the many other skin conditions that make us take notice before giving our skin some semblance of priority. So what is a good age to start developing good skincare habits?

The answer to this question is, “any and all ages!”

We all have skin, and it is important that we care for our skin so that it can do its job for us while looking and feeling great!  When we are babies, our skin has particular needs. It needs protection from too much sun so it doesn’t burn, gentle lotions to soothe and protect, and gentle cleansers to keep it clean without irritation.  For baby skin, Jordan Essentials offers specially formulated products that gently cleanses and moisturizes without any harsh chemicals or toxic ingredients.

Toddlers and young children also need to cleanse, nourish, and protect their skin with gentle yet effective products that support their active, inquisitive, and adventurous needs.  To make bathtime fun, Jordan Essentials offers a special kids’ line of products that your kids will love, while you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your little kiddos are getting the best possible ingredients.

As we mature, however, all too often the stress and busy responsibilities of life tend to get in the way and we forget about our skin until later when the wear and tear of our habits start to show in our skin.  Instead of waiting until it is past the point of no return, start developing good habits of careful skincare at an early age. Boys and girls both can benefit from starting a good skincare routine, and some experts recommend starting kids on a good skincare system as early as 6 years old.  Establishing a good skincare routine develops healthy habits that can carry on into adulthood.

Pre-teens and teens especially benefit from using a skincare system that is formulated for their skin type.  This is a formative age, all too often fraught with insecurities, especially associated with their appearance.  During this time, breakouts and acne are common, as hormones, diet, and physical changes start showing in their skin.  If you are a parent with pre-teens or teens, consult with your Jordan Essentials Consultant to go over the best recommendations for your child/children and their particular needs.  Jordan Essentials offers effective cleansers, toners, moisturizers, masks, and acne treatment products that will support healthy skin for your kiddos.

Young adults tend to have the most flawless and beautiful skin.  But this phase is not ageless, no matter how much we wish it were so!  Many skincare experts recommend starting anti-aging serums like Jordan Essentials Age Defying Serum or Jordan Essentials Multi-Peptide Serum as early as in our 20’s!  Youthful and flawless skin comes from many important things, including a healthy diet, proper hydration, sufficient sleep, balanced nutrients, stress control, and a healthy skincare routine.  As we age, our body naturally starts to produce less collagen and natural peptides that contribute to that youthful appearance. Careful attention to both internal and external factors that affect the skin will help in keeping that youthful appearance for a longer period of time.  Work with your Jordan Essentials Consultant for the perfect combination for your skin type and consider including Jordan Essentials Serums to your routine. What is the best routine? Check out our blog post here with our recommendations.

But, what if you’re past your 20’s?  Is it too late for you? Absolutely not!  It’s never too late to start a healthy skincare routine and develop healthy habits that support beautiful skin!  No matter what your age, you can experience the difference that Jordan Essentials Skincare products can make to the feel and appearance of your skin!  Many of our customers offer amazing and inspiring testimonials about what Jordan Essentials was able to do for them. What are your experiences with Jordan Essentials?  Leave your comments below and let us know what age you started and what you love best about Jordan Essentials.

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